The section in our catalogue dedicated to water manifolds gives information on different models, each one suitable for satisfying installation and market requirements. The unrefined forged CW617N brass is processed on special numeric control machines to produce articles with from 2 to 4 threaded offtakes. This makes it possible to combine these pieces until the necessary number of offtakes is obtained.
In particular, we have water manifolds that are equipped with a stopcock and adjustment tap on each offtake, meaning that each single branch of the manifold can be closed. These taps can replace the handles, which can be covered with 5 different colours. As an optional accessory, they can be supplied with pertinent identification labels.
The distance between the centres of these
water manifolds begins from a minimum of 35 mm, a measurement that makes it possible to reduce bulk and produce distribution boxes that can be more easily concealed to prevent ruining the environmental aesthetics.
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