When considering pressure regulators, it is often thought that downstream of the component there are no risks deriving from any malfunctioning of the component itself. However, this is not completely true. In fact, the components designed by Gnali Bocia are guaranteed over time and in specific circumstances: it is well-known that a poor design or even a lack of maintenance of a component subjected to pressure loads that vary over time and poor environmental conditions that can compromise the good functioning of a component, are the cause of a possible structural failure of various parts.
The current regulations relating to
pressure regulators are very strict since they are respected in addition to National, European and International specifications when selling on the global market.
When dealing with devices that manage compressible fluids, pressure regulators are tested to guarantee structural strengths much higher than the nominal ones to which they will be subjected, thus guaranteeing their duration over time. The pressure gauge is usually placed before the pressure reducer to check any values that do not correspond with those of the design.
As already highlighted however, maintenance is important for pressure regulators: periodically checking a mechanical component allows you to prevent any breaks and malfunctioning, ensuring the protection of the environment and the safety of staff is not at risk.
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