They are born in two, three or four shunts to enable interconnection and thus create the necessary number for system requirements: these are the brass manifolds, a versatile article we may come across in the catalogue of the GNALI BOCIA company. In their chromium- or nickel-plated versions, or in non-treated metal, they may be used both in heating systems and for water distribution.
The chromium- or nickel-plating of brass manifolds is also chosen on the basis of the various regulations on the drinkability of these treatments. The details are usually treated superficially when they are still in a rough-hewn state, and are later processed in such a manner that the internal part that comes into contact with water exhibits a yellow brass surface, more capable of passing the drinkability tests.
The material used in
brass manifolds is in fact such as not to release health-damaging substances to the liquid passing inside it. Chromium, for instance, might cause problems in terms of drinkability and is in principle banned in some EC countries.
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