Today, we see what regulations, which are contained in the ECR 2009 edition, impose in terms of the marking of the shut-off valve of the primary fluid; regulations that are respected on all devices manufactured by GNALI BOCIA.
This compendium of standards covers all central heating using hot water below 110° C and whose power does not exceed 35kW.
On each
shut-off valve placed on the market, the name or the logo of the manufacturer and the valve model must be reported directly on the valve or on the tag, and then the serial number of the valve, as shown on the certificate of the manufacturer and the calibration of the ISPESL, will be indicated on the latter,.
All the identification data of the shut-off valve should be mentioned on the manufacturer’s certification, including those that are reported on the lead tag of the Ministerial Inspectors and in particular: the valve model, diameter and rated operating pressure, the temperature of nominal operation, the serial identification number, and reference to the INAIL certificate of acceptance.
Each shut-off valve is sold accompanied by these certificates and this means that it can be accepted in all member states of the European Community, without additional charges, provided that they guarantee the same functionality for the intended purpose of use.
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