To guarantee uniformity among products from different manufacturers, Gnali Bocia adopts a series of standards that define, as well as the essential safety and environment requirements, also the dimensions and tolerances required.
One category that envisages the use of standards is that of water manifolds: these are made up of brass pipes, which is a material with high performing mechanical and physical properties, such as good yield strength and optimal anti-corrosion properties, making it ideal in applications in contact with fluids such as water. Each manifold is designed for a number of outlets varying from one to 4 making it suitable also when conveying flows over long distances between stations. The water manifolds are fitted with threads according to ISO 228, an international standard covering threaded pipes, valves, and all couplings destined for use with threaded pipes. If an additional seal is required on the water manifold thread, a seal in appropriate material is inserted. There are two classes of the 228 thread: A and B, the selection of which depends on the conditions of use. Class A covers a more restricted tolerance range of the threads for
water manifolds, while B differs in a wider class of tolerance for external threads.
There are also other types of "product" standards, which can justify one or the other choice of the class under the ISO 228 standard.
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