Strict standards are in place to ensure safety to all people close to possible dangerous sources such as LPG, methane and other gases. The standards must guarantee that the prevention and protection measures are sufficient to avoid any accident by drastically lowering the risk threshold. In terms of standards, Gnali Bocia, always first in line for safety protection, adopts and complies with several national and international standards that allow to certify the high quality of their products, such as gas taps.
Gases such as LPG are maintained at pressure values greater than ambient pressure so that they assume a liquid form, taking up less room than the same gas in gaseous form. This leads to the use of containment structures that are able to support the pressure of liquid gases. For this reason, the gas taps must have a very high tensile strength and their capacity to sustain abnormal temperatures should be guaranteed.
gas taps are designed at Gnali Bocia’s Research & Development Department where the specialists control and check carefully every step of the technological processes for the production of gas taps.
In conclusion, the combination of a careful design process as well as a precise definition of the standards and their accurate application ensure adequate protection for those who work with this technology.
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