Do you need to avoid being without gas at home or while in motion on your trailer or camper? Would you like an easy way of replacing your tanks without dangerous losses and without interrupting the cooking of your dinner? The best method is to use one of the power packs produced in GNALI BOCIA’s Lumezzane plants.
Two or three connections facilitate the versatility of power packs, each one equipped with a shut-off valve, easy to switch on and off, in order to choose the most suitable tank to be used at that moment. Let us remember that the UNI 7131 standard states that it is not possible to leave a connection free, without a tank attached, for the sake of ensuring security.
At the output point of power packs, we may find a pressure reducer for the purpose of adapting the gas flow to the various users, which might be: boilers, stoves, or some other user devices. In order, moreover, to better highlight the state of capacity of the tank, we may also get a version fitted with a manometer.
power packs that are produced and sold may be fixed onto a support wall or through a flanging fitted with holes, entirely derived in the brass body or through an iron bracket.
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