What happens if in a system you do not install
air vent valves? The main problems of gas accumulations inside pipes is the creation of bottlenecks, so that a capacity reduction becomes inevitable.
The way air vent valves work is utterly simple once we weight that by their usefulness. The heart is a floater manufactured in plastic and lodged in a chamber, where we have balance between the pressure of the fluid and that of the gas, then a rung. The floater tightly closes this chamber, through a pin driven by the buoyancy force and then by the rung.
As the accumulation of gas inside the chamber increases, the balance tends to decrease the space occupied by the fluid, so the air vent valve is opened. Part of the air is channelled to the outside, thereby restoring balance.
The best point for their installation is certainly the highest point of the unit, alternatively, bends or counter-sloping areas where the accumulation is more likely; that way, the efficiency of air vent valves is no doubt at its peak.
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